Well, third posting attempt and I have writers block already. Each day, I have events that cause me to stop where I am for a moment and say to myself, 'man, that was funny and I need to remember to share that in my blog'. Then the day goes on and no less than a few hours later when I sit down in front of my computer, I have absolutely no recollection of the event that took place. It was so funny and interesting that it caused me to pause earlier in the day, but now, nothing. Maybe it's my age or simply the busyness of life that makes me do that. I've once heard of it called 'living in the margins'. Where life is so busy that the margins in your book of life are full. So full that there is simply no place to put anything else.
I've been known to scrapbook a time or two. As a matter a fact, at one time, I sold the darn stuff just to support my habit. Making the sale of something my occupation for the sake of reaping the rewards of perks or discounts is a trait of mine and I've done more than once. Make-up, clothing, real estate. But that topic is a whole other blog for another day - or therapy session, whichever might come first. I apologize for my exit from my original topic in pursuit of 'something shiny' in the corner -back to the thought at hand. Warning: this may happen quite often in my blogs... hence the therapy session reference.
Scrapbooking. Back to scrapbooking. I was quite diligent with my first son in keeping a record of events that I wanted to mark in my scrapbooks. His first step, his first word (it was Gus, by the way - our beloved german shepherd / basset hound whom we miss dearly), his first haircut, etc. As the years have gone on, I've not been as diligent about recording such information. in all reality, I've not gotten past Aidan age two (he's now 9, for those just joining us) and poor Lucas is just a blip on the map of my scrapbooking dreams. Now, if I am not able to remember what happened to me earlier in the day in order to share it here, how in the world am I going to remember 20 years from now the exact date that Lucas got his first tooth?
So, my epiphany of the day in regards to all this is to leave some space in life. Don't fill up the margins so much that you won't have room for what is really important or what you don't want to forget. I've gotten much better about this in the past few years. I've been introduced to real sabbath. Yes, real sabbath. Not just no working on Sunday - because with my job, I simply can't get out of that one. But real rest with the Savior. It is refreshing, rejuvenating and truly sanity saving. I would have never known what I was missing if I didn't learn it.
I can only hope to continue on my journey and try to find more time for the rest stops in the margins of life. My kids will thank me for it, my husband will love me for it and my relationship with Jesus will make me crave it.
That reminds me of the funny thing that happened today that I so wanted to remember! A friend and I were shopping because she is about to welcome a new baby into her family. Nothing is better than shopping for a new baby! With our game faces on, we were in our super intense shopping mode. We were so incredibly focused on the task at hand that when I looked down at the cart I was pushing was a completely empty. Now, that is a good thing you are thinking, we were only looking not buying. However, the cart I had a few minutes before had both our purses in it plus some treasures that we had picked up along the way. Never mind that I had obviously picked off someone else's cart, probably another hopeless shopper who was also focused in her excursions. Both our purses were in our cart! There we were, lost in the abyss of the massive teenie tiny clothing section where we were searching frantically. Laughing uncontrollably. Luckily, I had my phone with me and my friend's was in her purse. We were able to call her phone and hunt the cart down after several minutes. Talk about forgetfulness! Now, that would have made for a funny post... but guess God wanted me to chat about margins tonight - glad I forgot.
Maybe I should apply for a job at that store...