
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Something New...

Well, I've been meaning to try this 'blog' thing for quite some time now. I guess with 4 inches of snow outside in the middle of May - today is the day. I ask myself, "why would anyone want to read about our life?" and to that I answer, "they probably won't, but I'll tell our story anyway."

A little about us...I'm Shari. A wife of 12 years, a mom of four - two of those human boy children, Aidan age 9 and Lucas age 3. Two of those small white a fluffy rescue dogs whom we loving call Sam and Sadie. My husband, Aaron is a police detective. Yes, that provides for some interesting stories - unfortunately, I won't be able to share many of them here. I work part time at a local church in the Children's Ministry department. I love kids and the Lord - what a benefit to combine the two and get paid for it!

So, here it first entry in a long list of entries to record the daily rig-a-ma-row of life. Before I begin, please don't take much of what I say as absolute truth. Most of this is my opinion with my hope to show you a peek into our lives and what God is doing in them. I would love if thru this I was able to make you laugh and reflect on your own lives as well as what God wants to do for and thru each of you!

At 35 years of age (wow, I about gagged on that one) I'm not sure I saw myself where I am - but do any of us? It's amazing how we make big plans for our lives and God somehow brings His will into the picture. He's amazing that way. I somehow can't ask for anymore blessings in my life than He has already given me but that doesn't seem to stop me. Why is that? I have an amazing job, a wonderful loving family and a God that provides to me my every need. And yet, I want more. Maybe it is God's way of preparing us for what He has for us in our next adventure.

Oh... just heard my 3 year old start the water in the tub for the dogs. I better get going, forgot for a moment that I was a mom and my child is here with me. Praying for you that you are able to see God in the small things - like runny noses and piles of laundry. Both of which I will be trying to do myself today.

Shari and the gang.


  1. are you sure you are 36 right now?

    Love you, dear friend! Good to see you here!

  2. good grief, girl! You have to at least get your age right because I'm NOT going to be older than I am before my time, thank you very much!

  3. What fun to be able to connect with you in the blogging world! Welcome, my friend! I am super excited & I love what you have blogged so far. I can totally hear you saying all of this with your fun little laugh thrown in there once in awhile. Thank you so much...that brightens my day! I look forward to keeping up with you & your family as you share your real life. I would like to add your blog to the favorite blog list on my blog but I always like to ask before doing that in case you would rather not have people going to your blog from ours. Let me know :-)
    Love ya! Kim

  4. of course Kim... as you can see - I'm not quite a seasoned blogger - since you wrote me in May and it is now Oct - yikers!
